Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 7 - Its a Tuesday

So I am trying to learn this new song on guitar that has really been speaking to me. It is a little known artist by the name of Chris Brehe from his "In You" album the name of the song is "Praise You." It reminds me that we need to praise God in all things.

Yesterday is a real blur because of the depression that I am dealing right now. My family has been great through out this whole process, telling me that none of it is my fault. I just have been feeling less than a man for not being able to support my family.

Went to Voice ministries in Elkhart for their food bank first thing in the morning, can go there once a week. also it was seed day so I got tons of seeds for the garden. then I went to library in the morning and looked at the Elkhart Truth want ads from Sunday, absolutly biggest waste of time. Did find some jobs online that I sent resumes' in for. 4 of them total. I least I have made my minnimum for the Unemployment, I would much rather have a job so I can pay rent and electricity. With not being able to cash checks I keep falling farther and farther behind. God is good and I am working on His time schedule, not mine.

Planning onworking on some writing projects that I have been putting off once this whole check isue is resolved.

Last night made Pasta and then found out no one was hungry, so I will revamp with a little cheese in the oven for Thursday night and supper is made.

Watched American Idol and if Paige Miles doesn't go home on Wednesday I will be really suprised. Went to bed after that. Brenda has been dealing with a lot of back pain issues again, please pray for her.

Until next time "Keep the faith and Trust in God."

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